Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Proposal: Table of Contents

Table of Contents

                                                                                                Page no.
1.         Introduction                                                                                                 1
   1.1   Background of the Study                                                                           1
            1.2.1   Brief Introduction of  HIMALAYAN Bank  Ltd.             2
            1.2.2   Brief Introduction of  NABIL  bank  Ltd.                                     3
   1.3   Focus Of  The Study                                                                                    5
   1.4   Statement Of  The Problem                                                                         5
   1.5   Objectives Of The Study                                                                             6
   1.6   Importance Of The Study                                                                            7
   1.7   Limitation Of The Study                                                                             7
   1.8   Scheme Of The Study                                                                                  8

Bibliography                                                                                                            10

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