Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Proposal: Limitation Of The Study

This research explains and analyzes the subject matter with the help of well known or already established analytical method and techniques, therefore as a conclusion oriented research. It does not much concern with the fundamental and decision oriented research. This research depends upon only five – year annual report of both banks as well as some primary data of the both banks.

Following are the limitation of this study :-

Ø  It only focuses on HIMALAYAN Bank Ltd and NABIL Bank Ltd. Covering the period of five years (i.e. 2010/2011 to 2014/2015)
Ø  The whole study is based on secondary data such as financial statement and financial report of both banks.
Ø  This study is concerned with the financial performance of both banks.
Ø  The data published from various sources differ, they do not tally total in many places is not equal. However in this research, report of HIMALAYAN Bank Ltd and NABIL Bank Ltd Are taken valid source of data.

Ø  Time and resource constraint may limit the area cover by study.

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